Some of My Work


Client side build for FlixSpotter application. Built with React. MERN stack is used for the app as a whole. FlixSpotter is hosted by Netlify! API is hosted by MongoDB and has an initial delay when calling.

See this app on Github
Website for this application


Using Angular, build the client-side for an application called myFlix based on its existing server-side code (REST API and database), with supporting documentation. API is hosted by MongoDB and has an initial delay when calling.

See this app on Github
Website for this application

LinkUp - meet app

Meet app (LinkUp) is a serverless, progressive web application (PWA) with React using a test-driven development (TDD) technique. The application uses the Google Calendar API to fetch upcoming events.

See this app on Github
Website for this application
Case Study


The application is a chat app for mobile devices using React Native and Firebase. The app will provide users with a chat interface and options to share images and their location.

See this app on Github

Pokedex - simple-js-app

This is an interactive app including first generation Pokemon built from vanilla JavaScript. The app provides details of each Pokemon, including: Height Weight Images Types Abilities. Application includes modals and search abilities.

See my work on Github
Website for this application

To-Do-List App

This simple app allows users to add, delete, reorder, and check off items for a to-do list. Written in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, the purpose was to learn and apply jQuery.

See this app on Github
Website for this application